For those of you who used to get rid of pieces of red onion, please think again. Onion proved to have many benefits. Starting from the affairs of the bed, relieve menstrual cramps, to prevent cancer.
The great benefits are due to the content of the compounds in the red onion. For example, organosulfur component, both on shallots and white, can prevent the development of cancer cells.
The study found that high onion intake was 56 percent lower in colon cancer and 25 percent lower in breast cancer.
Launched by The Alternative Daily on Monday, (25/09/2017) following the benefits of eating red onions.
1. Increase sexual arousal
The compound called alicin is responsible for the strong aroma of onions. However, this compound is also able to help increase blood flow to the sexual organs.
2. Help to make better sleep.,
Although not yet scientifically proven, many people fell the smell of the onion can help sleep more soundly. The trick with chopping five cloves of onion and inhale before bed. It can also be placed on the bedside of the table.
3. Reduce pain during menstrual cramps.
The content inside the onion is known to calm during menstrual cramps. To get the results, the consumption of onion 4-5 days before menstruation comes.
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