Catappa seeds can be eaten or consumed raw. It taste like a peanut and some people said that its tastier than a walnut seed. Therefore it is not surprising also many of the people who use Catappa seeds as a mixture of cake or snack. Well the question is here: What are the nutrients and compounds in Catappa seeds?
If taken and summarized from several sources, dried ketapang seeds will produce oil such as Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Myristic Acid, Protein, Sugar and Amino Acids. What are the benefits of Catappa?
1. In the seeds, Catappa often consumed and used as an alternative food that also contains protein, fiber and little carbohydrate.
2. In the bark and leaves can be used for tanner or leather preservative, ink and natural dye.
3. The wood is arguably very strong and sturdy, but even so very vulnerable to terminate attack. But it does not apply to boat or boat building.
There are some other benefits of Catappa :
a. Relieve symptoms of inflammation in the abdominal cavity.
b. Power sources that can increase stamina.
c. Improving mindset and memory.
d. Good for skin diseases especially for the treatment of scabies, leprosy, and itching.
e. Relieves the symptoms of canker sores like chapped lips (dry) and sore throat.
f. Stopping dysentery or bowel with pus.
g. Heal rheumatism and relieve pain in the joint.
h. Is a diuretic capable of shedding the urinary tract.
i. Lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood.
j. Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke.
k. Maintain healthy skin and keep moist.
l. Delay powerful premature aging to disguise fine lines.
For processing usually use dried beans from catappa which is processed into a cake or taken oil, it can also boil the leaves and drink it as a traditional herbal medicine.
There are some other benefits of Catappa :
a. Relieve symptoms of inflammation in the abdominal cavity.
b. Power sources that can increase stamina.
c. Improving mindset and memory.
d. Good for skin diseases especially for the treatment of scabies, leprosy, and itching.
e. Relieves the symptoms of canker sores like chapped lips (dry) and sore throat.
f. Stopping dysentery or bowel with pus.
g. Heal rheumatism and relieve pain in the joint.
h. Is a diuretic capable of shedding the urinary tract.
i. Lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood.
j. Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke.
k. Maintain healthy skin and keep moist.
l. Delay powerful premature aging to disguise fine lines.
For processing usually use dried beans from catappa which is processed into a cake or taken oil, it can also boil the leaves and drink it as a traditional herbal medicine.
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